Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Anne Pliska

At first sniff, I was confused. Confused because I could not detect one particular note in this concoction. The sign of a well blended scent, for certain. Furthermore, when I set out to do research on Anne herself and the history of her fragrance I found many blog entries dedicated to it but no facts or figures. Again, confused.

As I let the scent, both the cream and EDP, sit on my skin for a while my confusion dissipated and was replaced with like, extreme like. First of all, its staying power is fantastic! Secondly, the scent is simultaneously dynamite, sexy, sensual, contradictory and comforting. It captures for me everything I wanted to find in Fifi Chachnil but couldn't. I am not saying the two are similar. Rather the images evoked by the scents resemble one another. Anne Pliska reminds me of a natural, confident, effortless yet complicated and mysterious woman who at first comes across as wholesome, very descriptive of my idol, Julianne Moore. And by wholesome I mean the orange peel in the top note. It's sweet bitterness soon yields to vanilla, amber, geranium, patchouli and musk. But don't let the odd combination of notes scare you. I cannot detect a one. All of them combined render nothing more than a picture of sultry, red sexiness.

Anna Pliska has evaded my interest for years and yet what a gem. I am thankful to the kind soul who gifted this to me at the Sniffapalooza. Otherwise, I would never have discovered this subtle, non-commercial beauty. It is the scent of candlelit dinners, little black dresses, rose petals, and red wine. And how perfect that I discovered it just before Valentine's Day! A little goes a long way with this fragrance, so just a dab'll do ya. The lotion bears an almost identical scent to the EDP and could be an inspiring substitute or layering essential.

Victoria has a blog dedicated to this scent. Read more here:

Image sources: luckyscent.com, www.notwriting.com

Anne Pliska can be purchased at lusciouscargo.com and luckyscent.com, $55 for 60mL EDP.


violetnoir said...

T, did you know that some Nordstrom stores have been selling the fragrance for years? I tested it back in the nineties and hated it. It smelled just like Shalimar, only worse.

Fast forward to last year. Now I love Shalimar, at least in the parfum which is absolutely magnificent! Next, I had to re-test AP.

And guess what? I now love it! It smells like Shalimar with Dreamsicle (remember those delicious orange/vanilla ice cream treats?) on top. So yummy, yet sexy and womanly. I actually can detect the orange and the vanilla and, oddly enough, the geranium in AP, although I agree with you that they are all seamlessly blended.

And hey: I bet Julianne Moore wears it, too!


Marina said...

OMG, I have never thought about it, but J. Moore is totally a spokesmodel for Anne Pliska! :-) Great review!

ForTheLoveOfPerfume said...


I had no idea it was available at Nordstrom until I read Victoria's blog last night. That's fantastic!

A Dreamsicle on top of Shalimar! I love it. :-) Great call.

Hugs to you.

ForTheLoveOfPerfume said...

Thanks colombina! I just love her and what a more perfect spokeswoman - a gorgeous redhead!

Victoria said...

What a lovely review! Yes Nordstrom in Southen CA has been carrying this for 20 years, since its debut. I think I was the first customer, truely! It has been my HG ever since. I don't get the Shalimar connection, but I know some do. I really can't do Shalimar at all. Over the years introducing it to many people I have found this - Those that get the ambery-perfumey all in one note - LOVE it and buy and wear it often. Those who get orange creamsicle sometimes love it, but don't aways buy it. Those who get a chilly sensation rather than warm, usually don't like it at all. But over all more people who try it like it and do not. That's why I try to promote it when I can!!!

Oh and I agree, Julianne Moore would be great!

ForTheLoveOfPerfume said...

Hello Victoria!

Yes, I agree and I definitely get the perfumey-ambery combination that I'm sure will grow into love. To me, it's so warm and sensual. Thank you for your generosity. It's always great to be introduced to new lovelies!

And you are as well.

IrisLA said...

Hi, T! I don't get the Shalimar connection. I adore Shalimar parfum (to which Violetnoir above introduced me).

Pliska is orange/vanilla creamsicle on me. Despite that, it's not foody or sweet. Very unexpected -- in a good way!

The creamsicle gives way to warm amber. This is when my nose gets glued to my wrist. Aaah. I think I need a bottle.

Victoria said...

I felt I must say one more thing I forgot to mention. Anne Pliska is one of those fragrances that demands to be sprayed. You can get an idea from the vial, but spraying is the way to go.

ForTheLoveOfPerfume said...

Oh!! Good to know Victoria. :-)Must. Buy. Bottle.