Monday, March 17, 2008

Top O' the Mornin'!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

St Patricks Day

In honor of this great occasion, I will be wearing Chanel Bel Respiro. What are you wearing today?


Anonymous said...

Happy St. Pat's to you..

I am wearing Chanel Chance.. love this scent. Bel Respiro sounds so complex.. where do you buy it at??

Thanks for the great posts..

ForTheLoveOfPerfume said...

Hi Italian Girl!

Chanel Chance is a great choice for a pre-spring day. :-) Bel Respiro is complex in notes, but the feeling of the scent is very relaxed and breezy. Chanel boutiques carry it and I would imagine there is at least one Chanel boutique in Chicago. You can also buy a decant at (Much less money than a full bottle!) Tell them "For the Love of Perfume" sent you!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh. Missed the opportunity to post yesterday for St. Patty's Day. I wore Fleur de Citronnier by the sublime Serge.

ForTheLoveOfPerfume said...


What a fabulous choice and it's never too late! I love Fleur de Citronnier this time of year. I hope you had a great day. ;-)