Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year 2008!

Happy New Year dear readers, family and friends! I hope that in your celebrations you are able to close the chapters of 2007 and honor them for what they taught you. Be kind, be respectful, be responsible and have fun!! The year 2008 promises amazing things and I hope it brings you everything your little heart (and nose) desires!

In honor of New Year's Day, I will be posting my favorites from 2007. Please stay tuned!


chayaruchama said...

May the new year bring you and your new DH every happiness, and shield you from pain...

Love to you from here !

Marina said...

Dear Tamara,
Happy 2008! I hope it brings you everything you wish for!!

ForTheLoveOfPerfume said...

Thank you dearest Chaya Ruchama! Same to you my mother.

Love and hugs,

ForTheLoveOfPerfume said...

Thank you lovely Marina and same to you!! Happy 2008. :-)

tmp00 said...


I wish you all the best in 2008- I'll be reading!


ForTheLoveOfPerfume said...

Thanks Tom! Same to you. :-)